LeShadech provides support and networking for shadchanim in the Tri-State
area and beyond
The Crisis
There is a significant crisis facing the frum community - shidduchim! Too
many young men and women find themselves without shidduchim and appear to be
ignored. It is so sad to see them sitting at home with their parents, day
after day, month after month, and for some, even year after year without
even ONE... one meeting or beshow. Sadly, too many seem to be falling
through the cracks.
Change and Solution
* Comprehensive and expanded lists of potential chassanim and
* A sophisticated and worldwide database
* A dynamic tool for shadchonim from all shidduch organizations
* LeShadech reaches out to shuls and botei midrash, and maintains
contact with gabboim
* Accurately updated through contacting their yeshivas, schools and seminaries
* Support and guidance programs for shadchonim
* Sponsors refreshments for shidduch meetings moderated by professional shadchonim
LeShadech is endorsed by major Rabonim in Boro Park. The Board Members from Boro Park, Lakewood, Monsey and Williamsburg also serve on the boards of leading Jewish organizations.
Not every 'being redt' leads to a shidduch, but every shidduch begins with
'being redt'.
Please help generously.
Over the past year, 11 Leshadech events were hosted by generous sponsors in the Catskills, Boro Park, Lakewood, Williamsburg, Monsey and Monroe where hundreds of shadchanim gathered together and enjoyed a nice camaraderie and inspirational speakers.
During the COVID 19 quarantine Leshadech hosted six teleconferences with over 3,000 participants. Shadchanim gained chizuk and inspiration from our esteemed speakers. People dialed in from around the world, from as far away as Lemberg-Ukraine, Canada and from all across the USA. You can view the upcoming conferences schedule online @ www.Leshadech.com