Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz has truly taken a STEP UP in recent years, reaching new מדריגות in educational excellence. The Yeshiva has STEPPED UP as it provides a warm and nurturing Torah environment that creates excellence in education and chinuch. Our Hanhala has STEPPED UP in ensuring that our talmidim will have all the tools necessary to succeed in their studies and in their personal development. Our dynamic, dedicated and talented Rebbeim have STEPPED UP in their efforts and skills to nurture and build talmidim who are happy, learning, and growing.
Our Mesivta, as well, continues to thrive and reach new מדריגות, our budding תלמידי חכמים putting their לב ונפש into their learning, their עבודה, and their middos as they, too, STEP UP and reach new מדריגות in רוחניות.
Now, we humbly ask YOU, the Yeshiva’s parents and partners, to STEP UP and ascend new מדריגות in working hand-in-hand with us to ensure the Yeshiva and its talmidim continue climbing upwards, step by step. Your involvement is crucial and your commitment is integral to the future steps the Yeshiva will take in continuing its upward growth trajectory.
Please STEP UP. Get involved and support our campaign and be a part of our Event. Join us for the journey as Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz ascends the מדריגות of the ladder firmly emplaced on the ground as we STEP UP toward the Heavens.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
כ”א כסלו תשפ”ה
The Palace, 780 McDonald Ave
Featuring Shmueli Ungar & the Shira Orchestra
(718)375.0900, [email protected]
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