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So let me tell you a little about Tiferes Devorah L'kallah...
When a kallah gets engaged the entire family is enveloped in a wave of Simcha and excitement. Yet it doesn't take long for financial reality to set in. The cost of setting up a new home, in addition to the wedding expenses is truly exorbitant.
Tiferes Devorah L'kallah is Reaching for the stars
TDL has been the silent partner to many kallahs in the Lakewood community, ensuring that the engagement and wedding are joyous and stress-free. While providing quality goods, TDL fulfills an important necessity of preserving the dignity and self-respect of each kallah.
I have taken on the responsibility to enable TDL to continue to do its fantastic work, but I can only do it with your help! Your generous support will enable every kallah to build her new home on a solid foundation. May the zechus of supporting Lakewood's kallahs bring much Bracha and happiness into your own home. Please join me in SPONSORING A KALLAH!
Welcome To My Donation Page
Surie Berger
total raised
Recent Donors
Rachel Kreps$1,100Goldy Fried$1,000Chavie Wachs$500Max Kahan$500Anonymous Sponsor$360Faigie Rechnitz$250Benji And Tzivy Roberts$250Rivky Kleiman$250Volvy Katz$250Shmuli, Nechami & Zevi Berger$200To the most extraordinary mother and grandmother ever!! We love you more than you can imagine!!!Miriam Rieder$200Sara Weinreb$180TIZKU LIMITZVOT SURI MAY HASHEM BENTCH YOU WITH KOL TUV FOR ALL THE CHESED THAT YOU DO.Chantsie Klein$180Rochel Seidenfeld$180Esther Goldstein$180Yehudis Rosenberg$180Chaim And Perele Silberstein$180Anonymous Sponsor$180May you have the zchus to continue to do your chesed of helping kallahsChantzy Weinstein$180Hatzlacha Suri !!Aliza GOLDBRENNER$180Bracha Kiffel$180Yehudis Fried$180Michal Notis$180Sharon Greenberg$115Zvia Reinman$110Suri Lubin$105Elly Feldbrand$100So proud of you for your tremendous dedication to TDL.Mina Azrikan$100Pnina Jakobovits$100Leah Sussman$100In honor of Surie B., Frumi P. and Naomi O.Mommy$100Miriam Tova Gutner$100H Cohen$100You are an inspiration! Tizki l’mitzvos!Leah Moskovits$100Yossi & Batsheva Kass$100Hatzlacha in all your amazing work!!Elkie Gruman$80YOCHEVETH TWERSKY$75Yocheveth Twersky$75continue to do wonderful things.Zeldy Waxman$50You inspire us with what you do for TDL and for so many others!Chantsie Wettenstein$50Raizy Goldberger$45Feige Schmidt$36Yitzchok Schmidt$36Libby Brody$25Chani Kurtz$20Comments