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So let me tell you a little about Tiferes Devorah L'kallah...
When a kallah gets engaged the entire family is enveloped in a wave of Simcha and excitement. Yet it doesn't take long for financial reality to set in. The cost of setting up a new home, in addition to the wedding expenses is truly exorbitant.
Tiferes Devorah L'kallah is Reaching for the stars
TDL has been the silent partner to many kallahs in the Lakewood community, ensuring that the engagement and wedding are joyous and stress-free. While providing quality goods, TDL fulfills an important necessity of preserving the dignity and self-respect of each kallah.
I have taken on the responsibility to enable TDL to continue to do its fantastic work, but I can only do it with your help! Your generous support will enable every kallah to build her new home on a solid foundation. May the zechus of supporting Lakewood's kallahs bring much Bracha and happiness into your own home. Please join me in SPONSORING A KALLAH!
Welcome To My Donation Page
Michal Oelbaum
total raised
Recent Donors
Sara Lowinger$250I’m just here for most Hilarious status updatesRays W$180On behalf of our friendYitzy & Rochel Tesser$180A Friedman$100Pinny & Perri Goodman GOOD CHOICE REALTY$100Yossi & Shevy Klein$75Yehoshua Rosenberg$70Daniell Benedikt$55CHANA BAKHASH$50The funniest jewish comedian ????Chana Perel Weisz$50Yitzchok Dov & Tamar Lefkowitz$50in honor of the most amazing, special, generous, caring , awesome sister!!!NW$36Chaya Soibelman$20Anonymous Sponsor$20Anonymous Sponsor$18Comments