Our precious תלמידות arrive at school every day filled with an eagerness to grow, enthusiasm to learn, and a love and passion for Yiddishkeit.
Over the course of her day, each תלמידה is immersed in the warmth and positivity of a truly exceptional school where she receives extraordinary attention and vital tools - emotional, social and scholastic - for success in life. The מורות and הנהלה put in 100% into making this a reality. The love and attention for each תלמידה is evident.
We strive to provide our מורות with everything they need so that their teaching experience is enjoyable, successful and filled with satisfaction. This includes beautiful furniture, courses on new teaching methods and ideas, outstanding curriculums for all our grades and extra-curricular programs to incorporate into the annual schedule. Supplies are always available so that the teachers can use their creative flair to bring out the lessons or skills they are teaching, bringing fun and color into their education.
Our parent body too has shown so much support and positive feedback which gives a lot of חיזוק to the מורות, הנהלה and staff and gives them the כוחות to continue in their עבודת הקודש. We cannot do it without you.
Our טוב להודות לה׳ campaign marks our schools fifth year since our founding. We have so much to be thankful for and do not take anything for granted. Our school's success is very much due to YOUR support and we say THANK YOU for your past support and turn to you for the continuation of that support.
Our campaign is focused on ensuring our ability to maintain our standards of חיזוק, education and work environment that we have attained thus far and to show the proper הכרת הטוב to all of our Staff.
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