Keynote Address at the Agudah Convention
Join us in answering the call of the Gedolei Yisroel!
The people of Israel are in turmoil.Hundreds of thousands have been called off to war;
a similar number -from the North and South of the country-
are displaced and living in hotels and shelters.
All they believed in - the dependability of the government and army to protect them, the superiority of the border protection systems, the expertise of the intelligence bureaus...- has crumbled in the wake of the October 7th tragedy.
Suddenly, there is a new realization: אין לנו על מי להשען אלא אבינו שבשמים
The religious community has Emunah and Torah.
This allegiance to Mesora keeps them strong and confident in the future.
It allows them to be happy and go on with life.
The as-yet secular population sees this
and wants to join in this peace of mind.
They are yearning to learn about yahadut (yiddishkeit) and it is incumbent upon the Torah world to meet this newfound thirst with open hearts and learning programs all across the country.
P'eylim / Lev L'Achim needs to expand it's Evening Batei Medrash and other one-on-one learning programs such as Midrashot L'Mitchazkim for teenaged boys and Midrashot Shallhevet for young women.
The religious community has Emunah and Torah.
This allegiance to Mesora keeps them strong and confident in the future.
It allows them to be happy and go on with life.
The as-yet secular population sees this
and wants to join in this peace of mind.
They are yearning to learn about yahadut (yiddishkeit) and it is incumbent upon the Torah world to meet this newfound thirst with open hearts and learning programs all across the country.
P'eylim / Lev L'Achim needs to expand it's Evening Batei Medrash and other one-on-one learning programs such as Midrashot L'Mitchazkim for teenaged boys and Midrashot Shallhevet for young women.
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