K'Hal Dexter Park is home to a distinct blend of kollel yungerleit, working B'nei Torah, and those involved in klei kodesh. Together, close to 150 families have created a vibrant kehilla with a special synergy and sense of community. Inspired by the dedicated leadership of Rav Yosef Greenwald, Shlita, our families are committed to growing in Avodas Hashem.
Our shul includes dozens of Talmidei Chachamim, Melamdim, and Moros who are Marbitz Torah across Monsey and beyond. Our members are infusing the greater Monsey community with the power of Limud Hatorah, Chinuch Habanim, and Avodas Hashem. Many of our members are community leaders, involved in countless chessed projects and communal organizations.
K'hal Dexter Park is a thriving community center, despite our lack of infrastructure. Our members regularly celebrate simchos, packed into a trailer with incomplete facilities. The women have an active and vibrant N'Shei, despite inadequate space for most to actually come to shul. There are several nightly programs, including multiple night kollelim and a 6th to 8th grade learning program with over fifty boys, even as we struggle to find seats for new members. As our neighborhood expands, the need for a proper building becomes even more pressing.
We're striving to grow in our Avodas Hashem, despite our limited resources.
Please partner with us as we build a beautiful edifice to serve as our Makom Torah U'Tefilah.