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  • Hershey Silberstein
    לכבוד ידידיי העסקנים החשובים, ר' יושע וואלדמאן, הרב הערשל פעקעטע, ר' יואל גאנדל, ר' יואל ברמ"ד לאנדא, ר' ישראל דוד ראטשטיין, ר' יעקב גרינבלאט, ר' יודא ווערצבערגער, ר' יואל בר"ש בערקאוויטש . ואחרון אחרון חביב העסקן ר' יואל דרוממער . ולע"נ ידיד נפשי הבלתי נשכח ר' שמואל ב"ר חיים ארי' ווידער ז"ל ור' יעקב יוחנן ב"ר הלל יהושע קליין ז"ל
  • Yoel Fried
    in honor of yoely drumer, david r, shia waldman.
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Hello, and thanks for visiting my page.

All year round, JCCSG #CARES about how to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis, with its mission to provide #CARE as in Help and Support and more to the people who are suffering from these invisible diseases. For many of those patients, living in secrecy and suffering in silence, JCCSG is their only source of support, now it’s your time to show your #CARING side!

Since I go to know firsthand what this wonderful organization does, I #CARE about them, I #CARE about the Choilei Yisroel they help daily in every aspect, and I #CARE about their families, I have undertaken to raise money for this amazing organization. I know that you #CARE as well, and I hope you can help me reach my goal by supporting me and contributing to my campaign.

All contributions are tax deductible.
