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Avrumy Rosenberg
Total Raised
Goal: $5,000
Dear Friend,

On August 15 , 2017, my brother Sruly was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma (cancer). He was 11 years old.
From that devastating day, and every moment since, Mr. Hershy Katz and the devoted volunteers at ChaiLife Line / Achim B'Yachad have been there for my brother and my family day and night. Whether it was sitting with him in clinic, or cheering him up during hospital stays and keeping him company, or even taking him out for a few hours when he needed it. With their help, my brother was treated at the best hospital, seen by the best doctors and is now Burech Hashem in remission.
The devoted volunteers at Chai LifeLine / Achim B'Yachad work around the clock to do the same for thousands of young patients. Understandably, running an organization like this requires a large staff and money. A lot of money.
To that end, Achim B'Yachad has launched a 48 hour compaign to help cover the exorbitant cost of providing help and respite to patients and families struggling with life threatening illnesses .
Please join me in clicking on this link and donating generously to this incredible organization. Help them in their Avoidas Hakoidesh and allow them to continue providing the immeasurable assistance and support they provided to my brother and so many others completely free of charge.

Thank you 

Avrumy Rosenberg

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