True story (Some details changed for privacy): Finally, after months of research and due diligence, Reuvain was ready to move forward with his business plan. He put down a substantial deposit toward a physical education and therapy franchise and was excitedly envisioning how his business would operate and ultimately, flourish.
The business model for this franchise was to host recreational physical education and therapy programs, including clinics and parties for children. The franchise owner offered some degree of flexibility in the way each location was managed, and Reuvain was debating whether his location could/should be open or closed on Shabbos. Reuvain knew that his brother-in-law, Shimon, had been in a similar predicament with his own business, and after a business consultation with the Choshen Mishpat Kollel, was able to make an informed and halachically compliant decision about how to set up his business.
Shimon suggested to Reuvain to likewise consult the Choshen Mishpat Kollel. Reuvain reached out to the Menahel of the kollel and scheduled an in-person meeting for the following week. At the appointed time, Reuvain arrived at the kollel for this meeting with two experienced and knowledgeable Rabbanim from the Kollel. Reuvain explained how the business would operate and emphasized that Friday night and Shabbos are very lucrative days for this type of business, especially as classes and birthday parties are mostly scheduled for the weekend.
The Rabbanim spent quite a while with Reuvain, taking the time to fully understand the business model and the Shabbos dilemma. They then shared several halachically compliant approaches with Reuvain, also sharing the benefits, both hashkafic and halachic of staying completely closed on Shabbos (and Yom Tov). Shortly thereafter, Reuvain was able to come to an informed decision on how he would operate his business.
Halachic compliance- completed!
P.S. Want to know what Reuvain did? Its available...on your receipt :)
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