In Lakewood's second-largest kollel, the torch passed on since the days of the Chashmonaim still shines brightly. The Kollel, under the leadership of Rabbi Avrohom Yeshaya Appel and Rabbi Asher Steinmetz, provides an environment where the future gedolim of Klal Yisroel can grow to their maximum potential.
Beginning with the earliest arrivals at 3:30, continuing with pre-Shacharis seder at 5:00 am, and only concluding well after night seder ends at 10:30, a day in Kollel Cheshek Shlomo is packed with intense, non-stop learning encompassing the depth and breadth of Shas.
During this season of mesirus nefesh, partner with Kollel Cheshek Shlomo to enable the continued mesirus nefesh of our yungeleit.
This generation's "Mi LaShem!"
As many as 400 blatt - the equivalent of multiple complete masechtos - are learned b'iyun or reviewed daily by over 90 handpicked yungeleit. The kol Torah resounds in the beis medrash for an astounding 20+ hours a day. The atmosphere is one of focused hasmadah, the yungeleit paragons of learning, avodah and musar. In the affiliated chaburos in BMG, over 200 bochurim and yungeleit maintain a similar derech halimud, proudly acquiring entire masechtos. Spread over four separate Chaburos, these metzuyanim put in thousands of cumulative hours, covering tremendous amounts of material with Bechinos, Chazaros and weekly Chaburos. Between the Kollel and the Chaburos, the Kinyan Torah project represents the second largest Kollel budget in the U.S. supporting literally hundreds of our budding Talmidei Chachamim.
Because all overhead costs are funded by the Kollel owned Circle Time and Little Learners daycares, every dollar donated today goes directly to the Oskei Torah.
Invest in the future of Klal Yisroel by partnering with the extraordinary oskei Torah of Kollel Cheshek Shlomo/Chaburos Kinyan Torah.
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