That's the entire duration of a girl's highschool experience. And yet, as parents and educators have long recognized, it can - and must! - play a foundational role for the rest of her life.
This is a mission and an opportunity Chedvas BY takes seriously. Talmidos arrive young, malleable, and impressionable. The exceptional chinuch they receives transforms them into inspired, steadfast, and committed young adults - to face life and embrace it.
Our staff of master mechanchos display extraordinary dedication in molding each Talmidah. Curricular and extra-curricular subjects are intentionally designed to infuse each girl with lessons for life - for real life, all life long.
So as each Chedvas talmidah journeys from a life of tests to the tests of life, and assumes her pivotal role in Klal Yisrael's future, you can be confident you've made an investment that lives on.
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