The Bensalem outreach community in Bucks County is a flourishing oasis in a vast desert, hosting a Kollel, mikvah, eruv and more, featuring the only year-round minyan three times a day in a county of over 50,000 Jews.
This Kiruv oasis now has the opportunity to become a full-fledged Torah community, with an expansion drive to obtain 7 houses (for Kollel families and a Yeshiva) - 4 of which are fully funded. We were recently able to borrow the funds to purchase the fifth house, to enable our Rosh Chabura to move to Bensalem (which Reb Elya Brudny shlita has said is the most important thing to do to grow the community).
Tonight, with the generous matches offered by our building committee, we have the ability to raise the final funds needed to complete the payments on this house, and for the Rosh Chabura to finally move in.
We need your help to transform the lives of thousands of Jews in our community; the future of Bensalem and the entire Bucks County is in your hands.
The clock is ticking so please give and help transform this oasis into a real Torah community.
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