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Organization Legal Name
Ohel Torah

Ohel Torah is a non-profit 501c3 organization.

I understand that my card will automatically be charged based on the randomly generated ticket number I get - anywhere between $1 and $360. I am authorizing a charge up to $360.
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Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
Ohel Torah is a non-profit 501c3 organization.


As we all know, the new school year has started B"h. With that being said, there are B"h big expenses to get kids into school. We all know that tuition can be a struggle for some parents. This year alone, many parents had to come up with tuition for the previous year as well as a payment plan for the coming year, which was not met. This fundraising page won't help everybody, but will help to keep some kids in school and ease the burden on the parents. We ask that in this time of year, you open your heart and buy a raffle ticket. All proceeds will go to Yeshivat Ohel Torah to help pay for tuition. May this mitzvah be as a zechut for you and your family, and may you never need assistance and always be able to give. Amen.
Backed by Rabbi David Cohen
Tizku lemitzvot
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