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Organization Legal Name
Yeshivat Magen Abraham

Yeshivat Magen Abraham is a non-profit 501c3 organization.

I understand that my card will automatically be charged based on the randomly generated ticket number I get - anywhere between $1 and $400. I am authorizing a charge up to $400.
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Yeshivat Magen Abraham is a non-profit 501c3 organization.


Yeshivat Magen Abraham, was founded in 2008, under the pristine leadership and guidance of Rabbi Yosef Churba. Rabbi Churba has an innovative approach and understanding of each student which has given him the ability to reach every student. He believes that every student has greatness within them, and it’s his job to unlock all that hidden potential. The staff shares the same ideology, with unwavering commitment to our students, enabling the students to become successful in their high school careers.
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