There's a path forward.
Where do working bnei aliyah come from?
Stop any bochur in Yeshiva Nesiv Hatorah and ask what yeshiva he attends. The sure-fire "Aron's!" response is the fond nickname for our post-Eretz Yisrael yeshiva, proudly serving the working bochur.
R' Aron's yeshiva is a haven and fills a much needed void in the yeshiva world - keeping the working bochur in a Torahdik and hashkafically sound environment. Yeshiva Nesiv Hatorah is that oasis, a place of tremendous growth.
The day begins at 8:30 with a focused yeshiva shacharis, followed by a gourmet breakfast. At 9:30 the kol Torah reverbates through the bais medrash for a solid seder. The chabura begins at 10:45 with a real dissection of the sugya. Hashkafa talk follows - hot-headed, live, and true-to-life - to take the bochurim straight into their day's work. The bochurim regroup at 8:45 for night seder. It is an astounding sight to see a full bais medrash of tired bochurim learning an energetic night seder after a day's work. The day closes with a heartfelt yeshiva maariv at 9:45.
Yeshiva is located in serene Tom's River, NJ on a beautiful campus, with every amenity geared to growth, b'ruchni and b'gashmi.
The warmth of R' Aron is tangible.
The care of the rebbeim is above and beyond.
The bochurim are built up and kept to the standard of bnei Torah.
Grab the zechus of supporting this incredible yeshiva!
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