Since 1991, Tashbar has been an exceptional establishment committed to the growth and spiritual wellbeing of every talmid. The school has provided thousands of boys with outstanding chinuch, extraordinary warmth, and individual attention, continuously accomplishing their ultimate goal: to faithfully transmit the sweetness and light of Torah to our future generations. The Pride and Joy of Tashbar are the outstanding hundreds of Alumni!
While the ruchnius factor at Tashbar has been consistently exemplary throughout nearly three decades, the building in which it was housed - the century-old Princeton Avenue School - was not up to par. Five years ago, we relocated to our fabulous new building.
Profound Present
Tashbar's expert menahalim, highly skilled rebbeim, and experienced teachers are on a mission: they strive to reach every talmid, every day. The school's meticulously planned curriculum reflects that goal by emphasizing havana and making the Torah truly fascinating, accessible, and relevant. Graduates are sought by excellent mesivtos; menahalim report that Tashbar graduates are among their best talmidim.
The younger division - grades Primary through 2nd - is supervised by Rabbi Yaakov Meir Heller, Tashbar's dynamic former first-grade rebbi and a hardworking mechanech gifted with compassion, keen intelligence, and the ability to reach each child.
The middle division - grades 3 through 5 - is overseen by Tashbar's veteran menahel, expert mechanech Rabbi Mordechai Zions, who is renowned for his tireless devotion, boundless energy, enthusiasm, warmth, and decades of successful experience in molding thousands of young bnei Torah.
The mechina division - grades 6 through 8 - is led by Rabbi Yaakov Bogart, a 20-year veteran of chinuch who possesses the unique ability to guide adolescent boys navigating their formative years, kindling a love for lifelong Torah learning and living.
All three menahalim work in seamless unison to ease every boy's transition from one department to another and keep the school running efficiently and professionally. The English department is guided by seasoned educators Mrs. Chani Baumol and Rabbi Ari Pollack while Mrs. Rivky Birnbaum serves as Educational Director, managing the needs of every student.
We are fortunate enough to have Rabbi Abe Fried as our executive director, his care and dedication for both the ruchnius and gashmius of each individual talmid is unparalleled.
Foundational Future
This campaign aims to enable us to continue to deliver excellence. We aspire to finance the salaries of our dedicated Rabbiem and Staff. Enabling them to continue their tireless work.
Your generosity will help and build future students with our legacy for generations to come.
Thank you.
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