How it Works
You might pay
as little as $1
and a chance to win
a 7 Day Trip for 2 People to Israel which includes airfare and hotel or $10,000 in cash!
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(anywhere from $1 - $360)
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(between $1 - $360)
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Have a chance to win
a 7 Day Trip for 2 People to Israel which includes airfare and hotel or $10,000 in cash!

Each number will be assigned only once!
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100% of your donation is processed directly through the organization's banking. is a commission-free platform.

Organization Tax Info

Organization Legal Name
Synagogue of Oakhurst

Synagogue of Oakhurst is a non-profit 501c3 organization.

I understand that my card will automatically be charged based on the randomly generated ticket number I get - anywhere between $1 and $360. I am authorizing a charge up to $360.
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To have us notify them/their family a gift has been made in their name, please enter an address or email address, and your message below:
Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
Synagogue of Oakhurst is a non-profit 501c3 organization.


Under the guidance and leadership of Rabbi Ike Hanon and Rabbi Meyer Barnathan
• Invigorated Shabbat Minyanim
•Outdoor tent housing our Shabbat morning deluxe breakfast and learning program
•Weekly Seudat Shelishit Guest lecture program featuring prominent community Rabbis
•New and improved Childrens program Shabbat mornings
•Renovated Kitchen and Basement for use all year round
These are only a few of the programs and accomplishments we have achieved and with your continued support we can continue to improve the level of services in our synagogue as well as build for the future of our growing community.
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