All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $500.00
Amnon Lock $486.00
Asher Fried $446.00
Malkie And Yossi Ackerman $360.00
Michael Weissman $360.00
Benjamin Ganz $360.00
Avromy Schron $266.50
Yirmiyahu Aryeh $260.00
Alex Edelstein $256.25
Mitchell & Susie Spitzer $256.25
Charles Levine $250.00
We love you Shua, Charles and Rivka Levine and kids
Yeshaya Gross $250.00
Anonymous Sponsor $210.00
Avraham Walkin $205.00
Avraham Walkin $205.00
Jonathan Schwartz $200.00
Kol Hakavod!
Yaks Kushner $200.90
It's Just....tmi $200.00
Robert Feiner $185.00
Sruli & Rachele Goldman $184.50
Anonymous Anonymous $184.50
Anonymous Sponsor $184.50
Shua is a BIG tzadik!
Avi And Dina Spitzer $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Jeffrey Zwick $180.00
Shuey Gellis $180.00
Pinny Fischer $172.00
Anonymous Sponsor $156.00
Anonymous Sponsor $150.00
Eli And Becky $150.00
Shmuel Krischer $150.00
Ben Bomrind $150.00
Laze Tarlow $150.00
He’s for “Shua” the best person!
Anonymous Sponsor $136.00
And Aveeva Edell $136.00
Eli Fuhrer $135.00
Anonymous Sponsor $126.00
Avi Abramowitz $125.00
Elchonon Kass $123.00
Simcha Halpert $107.63
Nathan Griner $105.00
Elly Slomowitz $105.00
Mordy's kids!!!!
Asher Herzberg $102.50
Hesh $102.50
Yossi And Malkie Levine $102.50
Mordechai Weiss $102.50
Heshy Kress $102.50
Sruly Knopfler $102.50
Boruch & Leah Schoenbrun $102.50
Levi Moshe Kaplan $102.50
Mark Daskal $102.50
Anonymous Sponsor $102.50
Stevens Milstein $102.50
Yitzie Fried $102.50
Yosef Friedman $102.50
Ralph Cohen $101.00
Judah Zelmanovitz $100.00
Dani Sofer $100.00
Matt Levin $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Shlomie Weinreb $100.00
Yossi & Sarala Kohn $100.00
Shmuli Fuchs $100.00
Ozzie Fischer $100.00
Nachi Sheinkopf $100.00
Yisrael & Rena Leb $100.00
AJ Roz $100.00
Elizer & Tzivi Abramowitz $100.00
Shmuli Schwebel $100.00
Eli & Sori Gluck $100.00
Y&E Zwick $100.00
Go Shanky! Keep up the work for the Klal!
Hillel & Ruchy Rokowsky $100.00
In honor of the chashuve Shanky!
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Avi Adelman $100.00
Josh Jacobs $100.00
Paul Holzberg $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Chaim And Suri Wanounou $100.00
Tehila & Oliver Soskel $100.00
Keep. It. Up!
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Yehuda Wolf $100.00
Nesanel & Deena Feller $100.00
Jonah Cohen $100.00
Binyamin Schwartz $100.00
Dovi Edell $100.00
In honor of the amazing smiling happy Shua.
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Yehoshua Solomon $100.00
Keep up the great work!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Shlomo Fink $100.00
Eli Epstein $100.00
Yoni Levin $100.00
Reuven Furer $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Shuki Scherman $100.00
YOSEF Oldak $100.00
Yehuda Gold $100.00
Aryeh Ackerman $100.00
Shlomo Schron $100.00
Michael Kahan $100.00
Dani Rosenfeld $100.00
Tizku Lmitzvos!!
Shimshon Eisenberger $100.00
Yossi Abadi $100.00
Ari Dachs $100.00
Ely Pasternak $100.00
The second best Baal tefila in the white shul
Shmuel Finkelstein $100.00
Eli Hofstatter $100.00
Shua is the best fundraiser in town. You should hire him full-time!
Jacob Rekant $100.00
Michael Sheinkopf $100.00
Chaim Weiser $96.00
Shauli Friedman $80.00
Sruli And Ruchie $76.88
Aryeh Klein $75.00
Mordechai Hahn $75.00
Chesky And Devorah Balken $75.00
Yosef Friedman $75.00
Elliot Fuchs $73.80
Anonymous Sponsor $60.00
Tizku Lmitzvos
Eliezer Dov Sheinkopf $60.00
In honor of Shua and DIna!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $55.00
Ahron And Shaindy Feldberg $51.25
Keep Shteiging Shua!!!
Yossi Treitel $51.25
Anonymous Sponsor $51.25
Moshe Golomb $51.25
Keep Going!
Zvi Martin $51.00
Anonymous Sponsor $51.25
Anonymous Sponsor $51.25
Yitzchok Stein $51.25
Ari And Elana Levine $50.00
Avrohom Scherman $50.00
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
Chaim Tzvi Gugenheim $50.00
Sylvia Weiss $50.00
Steven Zelcer $50.00
Yanky Guttentag $50.00
Keep doing great things Shua!!!
Joel Goldberger $50.00
Ellie Katz $50.00
Hatzlocha Rabbah!
Alon And Chanie Goldberger $50.00
David Simai $50.00
Dovie & Ettee Mutterperl $50.00
Keep up the great work! You make us all so proud
Yacov Gross $50.00
Aryeh & Rena Kornfeld $50.00
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
Anonymous Sponsor $50.00
Shlomo Waldman $50.00
To the best counselor, manager, and friend. Keep up the great work!!!!!!
Jeremy Strickman $50.00
Zalman Shapiro $50.00
First Class Leasing $50.00
Shuas energy on fire , Everyone loves Shua … keep up your positive and great energy
Dovid And Sarala Lefkowitz $50.00
Naftali Silverberg $46.00
Zvi Roth $46.00
An agent fee To find me an apt. Thanks Shua
Shneur Rubin $36.00
Only Bec ur posting so much lol not sure if u remember me
Yossi Landa $36.00
Yitzchok Weiss $35.88
Hillel Rokach $35.88
Yitzchok Hirsch $35.88
Yisroel And Batsheva Burstein $35.88
Yehuda Frankel $35.00
Yitzy Schuss $35.00
Yitzy Schuss $35.00
Yitzy Schuss $35.00
Avigail Gelber $30.00
In honor of DINA!!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $30.75
Motty Katz $30.00
Avi Papa $25.00
P&C Lew $25.63
Yosaif Krohn $25.63
Yeshiyeh Ahrin $25.00
Go Shua Go!
Shmule Schwartzberg $25.63
Anonymous Sponsor $25.63
Menashe Greenberger $25.63
Anonymous Sponsor $25.00
Yehuda Behar $25.00
Nata Edell $25.63
Anonymous Sponsor $20.00
Doni Hans $20.00
Yaakov Brazil $20.50
Weissabi $20.00
Keep up the Good work and keep on making people smile!
Aryeh Klein $20.00
Aaron Lamm $20.00
Anonymous Sponsor $20.00
Jed $20.00
Meir Solomon $20.00
the Man of the poeple who every1 loves
Dov Schwebel $20.00
Anonymous Sponsor $20.00
Yoni Lugassy $20.50
Eliyahu Schwarz $20.00
Refoel Wechsler $20.00
Paul Haas $20.00
Dovie Wieder $20.50
Yosef Goykadosh $20.50
Yehuda Koschitzki $18.00
Shua Behar $18.45
Wine Tent Liquor $15.00
Yoshi Bender $15.38
Jake Epstein $15.00
Yosef Kaufman $10.00
Tova Florans $10.25
Thank you;)
The Big Time Gvir $10.00
Avrumi Weiss $10.00
For my favorite sister and brother in law!!!
Mutchi Weiss $10.00
Anonymous Sponsor $10.00
Anonymous Sponsor $5.13
Good work Shanky! You are amazing! ????
Baila Sheinkopf $5.00
To the best parents ever!! Love baila
Michael Diamantstein $5.13
Shlomo $5.00
Noah Sheinkopf $0.00
Shuey Gellis $0.00