About the Campaign:
At Rachel's Place, we recognize- and celebrate- that every individual has her own needs, strengths, and dreams. That's why we provide such a broad range of services and initiatives. The generosity of Rachel Place donors and volunteers allows us to continue to enrich the lives of women in any way we can.
Ongoing Projects:
New! Chachmos Nashim Special
Torah Classes for girls 17+.
This Chumash class is designed specifically for members of the special-needs population. Classes convene once a week.
Rachel's Place (Imeinu)
State-certified, city-run transitional independent living program for runaway and
homeless girls ages 16-21. The residence provides a safe haven for those who cannot, will not, or should not live at home.
Rachel's Place II
Step-down residence for girls ages 21+ who have aged out of Imeinu. RP provides a home and support for girls who are almost but not yet ready to cope with life on their own.
Rachel's Place Productions-
aka; THE PLAY! Our professionally produced extravaganzas have mesmerized and delighted our audiences for over a decade, with ten DVDs distributed worldwide.
Chachmos Nashim West
Women's Learning Seminar. Renowned speakers offer stimulating lectures and textual learning for women who wish to expand their knowledge and enrich their understanding of varied Jewish themes and topics. Attendees keep on coming back for more!
Women in Tanach
Book based on the lectures of Rebbetzin Leah Kohn, RP affiliate. With this groundbreaking publication, women can learn about their heritage in a deep and life-altering way.
Hashkofa curriculum created by Rebbetzin Leah Kohn, RP affiliate. This interactive program helps girls define Yiddishkeit not just by what they do, but by who they are. Rachel's Place has adapted this curriculum and redirected the initiative for adults. These Rachel's Place classes are going strong in Brooklyn and Lakewood!
Chumash Classes
Designed by and under the auspices of Rebbetzin Leah Kohn, RP affiliate. Rachel's place has adapted these teacher-training classes and expanded them to include all women, helping them understand the purpose of each sefer, and how each inyan fits into the bigger picture.
Read More/Ongoing Projects
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