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100% of your donation is processed directly through the organization's banking. is a commission-free platform.

Organization Tax Info

Organization Legal Name
Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company

Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company is a non-profit 501c3 organization.

I understand that my card will automatically be charged based on the randomly generated ticket number I get - anywhere between $1 and $365. I am authorizing a charge up to $365.
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To have us notify them/their family a gift has been made in their name, please enter an address or email address, and your message below:
Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company is a non-profit 501c3 organization.


We Are Here For You 365 Days A Year

The Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company is about to begin our 128th year of providing Fire and EMS protection and services, and we greatly appreciate the financial support from our community. Contributions from residents and businesses are vital to our members being able to respond with the latest state-of-the-art equipment to protect your lives and property.

The demand for our services is ever increasing:
• Last year PVFC responded to almost 2300 fire and over 1000 EMS calls.
• We saved the community millions of dollars in taxes.
• Our first responders and volunteers are from all walks of life and span all ages, from high school students to senior members with 50 and 60 years of continuous service.
• When our neighbors are in need, our commitment is to respond.
• PVFC provides the most specialized fire, rescue and emergency medical services in the nation.
• We are the ONLY volunteer fire company in Baltimore County that operates an engine, heavy rescue (squad), tower ladder truck, and ambulance. We are also the home of the county's only volunteer Confined Space Team for technical rescues.

We are now working on a much-needed replacement for our ladder truck. Tower 323 is 21 years old, which well exceeds the norm in our industry. A replacement truck will cost more than $2 million.

We know you have choices when deciding where to donate your hard-earned dollars and which organization to support. We hope you'll choose to put your dollars to work right here in our community by supporting the first responders at the Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company.

The setup of this raffle was donated In Memory of Harry and Alice Bloom by their daughters, Sandy M. Gordon and Leslie B. Borenstein

For more information email [email protected] or call 443-463-5865
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