Moreshes Bais Yaakov girls' elementary school has earned a sterling reputation in the Lakewood community for its exceptional level of education in a loving environment that brings out the best in each student. In Moreshes Bais Yaakov, every girl is treated like Number One!
Moreshes is well-known as one of Lakewood's exceptional mosdos of chinuch habanos, boasting a beautiful student body of over 400 girls who are growing and thriving every day under the tutelage of expert teachers and staff members.
The Menaheles, Mrs. Busel, uses her many years of chinuch experience to create a warm atmosphere where every girl truly feels at home. The teachers are all extremely devoted to their students, and provide highly individualized attention to each one in an engaging and interactive way. Under their care, each girl is guided to reach her personal potential and to develop into a genuine bas Yisroel.
With the continued growth of the school, covering the annual budget is always a challenge. Due to recent rising prices across the board, expenses have gone up tremendously and we are facing a huge budget shortfall. At this critical time, we turn to our wonderful parents and friends and ask you to ensure that our daughters' beloved school can continue to flourish and function in the best possible way.
We are counting on you to join us in this crucial campaign to help our school cover its budget! Please go above and beyond for the sake of our dear talmidos and help ensure that all of them can continue to be Number One!
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