To receive a link for this year's Yarzeit Rachel Imeinu video entitled "Tzipisa L'Yeshua: The Secret to Holding on Tight to Hope":
When you donate the minimum donation below, you will receive an email from the [email protected] with all information needed to view the video.
Minimum donation for video:
- $10 per person
- $36 for a family in same household
$25 - for Schools to show to students. Please enter school name, contact name, contact info at bottom under "Additional Information" "Comments".
To arrange for a group, shul or community showing, please email [email protected]
DONATIONS: All proceeds through Chanuka will be doubled with Matching Funds. Your generous contribution goes for urgently needed food and necessities for Aniyim -- the poor and needy, through the
Torah Umesorah's Aniyim Fund. Funds this year will go to needy both in and outside Eretz Yisrael and will be distributed under the direction of HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlita. Click here for his letter of endorsement.