I became passionate about Chesed 24/7 after my father, Rabbi Simeon Schreiber A"H passed away in May 2018. Bikur cholim is the legacy he left my family as he dedicated his life to being a chaplain in hospitals, personally delivering Shabbat in Box along with a listening ear and words of comfort to 100's of patients for over 20 years.
In addition to enabling observant jews celebrate shabbat from their hospital bed, this small gesture to Jewish patients is far reaching! After his passing, patients and their relatives recounted how they had been totally unaffiliated and were so touched receiving Shabbat in a Box while feeling lonely and hopeless that they subsequently began lighting candles and celebrating shabbat weekly!!
Please participte in the Shabbos Box Project, one of the many programs run by chesed/24/7 ! You'll be leaving your mark on 15,000 patients' lives.