All Donors

Goldie Weingarten $500.00
Leah Weingarten $500.00
Tizku L'mutzvos. Totty and Mommy
Leah Spiegel $250.00
Ruchie Ginsberg $180.00
Miriam Bertram $150.00
Chaya Lowi $150.00
Miriam Zeffren $100.00
Gitti Eisikovic $100.00
Mayer And Raizy Kaiser $100.00
Michoel Weingarten $100.00
Arye Klein $100.00
Efrat Yaish $100.00
Penina And Michael Cohen $100.00
Chani Perlstein $100.00
Aaron Roth $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Ronit Brandsdorfer $72.00
Tizku L’mitzvos!
Adina Pupko $72.00
Goldie, You consistently have a chesed project or goal in mind, inspiring others to be a part as well.
Leah Fishelis $54.00
Michelle Ishakis $36.00
Naftali Nadel $36.00
Elliot Katz $36.00
Nechama Berkovits $36.00
Efrat Cohen $36.00
Sara Cohen $36.00
Tzivia P. $36.00
Tizku lmitzvos!
Libby Klepfish $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00