All Donors

Blima Weill $250.00
Thank you to all the participants! This event is in the zechus of all the singles looking for their zivug.
Leah Weill $250.00
Bezalel Weill $150.00
Pessy Kalikstein $150.00
Thank you for hosting this event for an incredibly crucial and important organization! Tizku L’mitzvos!
Miriam Stern $100.00
Ariella Lalehzarzadeh $100.00
Ruchie Weill $100.00
Gk $100.00
Tizku Lmitzvos!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
This, and all the other chesed you do, should be a huge z’chus for you! May you continue to always be able to do for others.
Rikki Schwartz $100.00
Thanks for sharing the zechus with all of us! :)
Benjy Davidowitz $100.00
Esther Pieprz $100.00
Thank you for sharing this beautiful zechus with all of us!
Layah Davidowitz $100.00
Bayla Lebovic $77.00
Tizku l'mitzvos Blima, may it be a zechus. Thank you for the opportunity. Be"H simchas and besuros tovos for all of us in klal Yisroel
Sarah Guttman $59.00
Thank you Blima - you're an inspiration!!
Eli Wercberger $54.00
Bracha Rosenblatt $54.00
Chavie Posen $54.00
Tizku Limitzvos!
Mindy Rosenfeld $41.00
Kol hakavod, bracha vhatzlacha in all you do
Zeesy Yoffe $41.00
Chana Wakszul $41.00
Goldie Fogel $36.00
Ahuva Vegh $36.00
Sury Grossman $36.00
Shira Kohn $36.00
Elana Rosenberg $36.00
Gittel Koff $36.00
Rachelli Wiederkehr $36.00
Esther Gottlieb $36.00
Jamie Moshayev $36.00
Aviva Wercberger $36.00