All Donors

Miriam Friedman $186.00
Anonymous Sponsor $170.00
Ester Fastag $120.00
Henchy Klien $120.00
H Joseph $100.00
Miriam Rivky Firur $100.00
Esther Lieberman $100.00
Brachy Wilhelm $100.00
M Galander $100.00
Goldie Friedman $100.00
Rochel Schwartz $100.00
Esty Sklars $100.00
Yitzchok And Chaya Altman $72.00
לע״נ פייגא מינדל בת יחיאל מיכל
Anonymous Sponsor $72.00
Rechy Katz $59.00
Miriam Orliansky $54.00
Chaya Lichtman $54.00
Shavy Luss $54.00
Bini Waldner $54.00
Burech Spira $54.00
In honor of Ruty who is always there for others!
Raitzy Geldzailer $54.00
Miri Miller $54.00
Goldy Lichtenstein $36.00
Chany Rabinowitz $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Rivky Ferferkorn $36.00
Yocheved Schwartz $36.00
Chilly And Yitty $36.00
Chaya Hindy Fischer $18.00