Over 7000 choshuve men spend their days engrossed in Torah learning.
Over 7000 extraordinary women work devotedly to enable this tremendous avoda.
Tens of thousands of children live with the simplicity and beauty of a Kollel lifestyle.
Join the Ultimate Simcha!
As Sukkos rapidly approaches, Zeman Simchaseinu, join us in ensuring a befitting Yom Tov for every cherished Yungerman and his family in need. Most of these Yungerleit can manage the year-round expenses on their own by living with less, but the extra Yom Tov costs are too much for them to handle alone.
Under the endorsement of Lakewood Rabbanim, Kupas Yom Tov creates an opportunity for all of Klal Yisroel to earn the incredible zechus of supporting Bnei Torah.
With a budget of approximately $1.75 million per Yom Tov, and over 1,650 families relying on our help, Kupas Yom Tov needs YOU. Every dollar you give will go straight towards helping these families make Sukkos B'derech Kavod.
Together we can take part in Hachzakas HaTorah and show our chersished Bnei Torah and their families how much we stand behind them.
שישו ושמחו בשמחת התורה! JOIN THE ULTIMATE SIMCHA!
Donate Now!
For more information about Kupas Yom Tov, please visit our website www.kupasyomtov.org or call 732-334-0050.
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