The Kollel Bus provides a Beis Medrash on wheels that allows a Ben Torah to start his day with an hour-long seder surrounded by a Kol Torah and then daven shachris like a mentsh, not rushing out early to catch a bus. For over twenty years the bus has been a huge success. Recently, when the bus restarted after COVID, the costs rose astronomically, but the Kiddush Hashem continues as the Bnai Torah continue to learn and shteig each morning on their way to work. Given the steep rate increases, the bus is running at a significant deficit. A ride for a single member could cost more than double the public transportation prices - prices most commuters cannot afford. These zechusim and the astronomical costs have until now been shouldered by one single individual. We are now asking you to share in the zechus of Limud haTorah b'rabim and support this unique makom Torah that serves such a vital purpose in our town.
Please note, we are not asking you to help pay for commuters' ride to the city. Kollel Bus members will continue to pay for tickets on par with public transit prices. We are simply asking you to help cover the extra expenses of maintaining this Bais Medrash to house this unique mosad haTorah - expenses that are above and beyond what is covered by ticket prices.
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