How it Works
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as little as $1
and a chance to win
Trip To Israel
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(anywhere from $1 - $360)
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(between $1 - $360)

Each number will be assigned only once!
Win Big
Have a chance to win
Trip for 2 to Israel ($10,000 value)!
Prize includes 2 roundtrip tickets to TLV, 10 night stay at the luxurious David Citadel Hotel, 10 day car rental, and meal stipend!
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JLC is a non-profit 501c3 organization.

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Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
JLC is a non-profit 501c3 organization.


For over 25 years the JLC has been committed to its mission of helping Jews from all backgrounds learn and grow spiritually. Rabbi Chaim Veshnevsky, the founder and spiritual leader for almost 2 decades was able to successfully accomplish this, and then Rabbi Zisow was able to continue and build on this success. Rabbi Kipper took over as our spiritual leader 2 1/2 years ago and has brought stability, consistency, and an incredible knowledge of halacha to the shul. The JLC continues to thrive and grow and fulfill its mission. Our regular Shabbos morning davening has between 30-50 people, half of which are new to the community in the past 5 years. The backbone of the shul and organization has always been learning Torah and that hasn't stopped. Morning, afternoon, and evening there are people learning whether in a small group chabura, or one on one chavrusa style. In the past year, under the direction of Rabbi Jacoby we have added programming such as a Thursday night learning program, community lectures, social events, and more. There is a growing mix of young families joining the shul, giving a nice youthful vibrancy to the building. We are very proud of our accomplishments and we feel there is still much more to do and many more Jews to reach. We need your help. Our vision requires funding and the support of friends, old and new. Please help us continue our vital work by supporting this campaign and witness for yourself the continued rebirth of the JLC!
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