What started out as a minyan for those weeks that enough of us were around, and then becoming a Shabbos shul, has, over time, developed into a thriving, beautiful kehilla, in every sense of the word.
Indeed, our shul today has become so much more than just a place to daven. It is a vibrant and dynamic hub of our kehilla. From the morning Kollel of ba'alei batim and yungeleit, who wish to start their day with a seder (and a coffee), to the nightly Daf Yomi shiur, the scheduled minyanim for Shacharis, Mincha and Ma'ariv - and the myriad Chesed initiatives both public and discreet - our shul has truly grown into a bastion of Torah, Avodah, and Gemillus Chassadim.
The achdus exuded by our members, the closeness felt between families, is a testament to the success of our kehilla.
For all our growth and achievements, there is so much our shul can become with a proper home and with proper facilities. The prospect of building is no longer a desire but an absolute necessity.
Our kehilla needs a home of its own.
אחי ורעי היקרים, נדיבי לב - הבה נבנה
ועשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם
שמואל הלוי שארר
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