Kollel Govoha Imrai Kohain needs no introduction. It is a bastion of Torah I'shma in Lakewood that is filled with a thunderous kol Torah morning, afternoon and night.
Now in its 27th year, the Kollel is ensconced in its own beautiful, state-of-the-art building where an elite group of yungeleit led by the rosh Kollel, Harav Eliyahu Kahanow, shlita, toil in Torah.
The Kollel was originally founded in Flatbush by the unforgettable Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, HaGoan Harav Elozar Kahanow zt"l who, during the Kollel's early years, guided the Kollel and gave regular shiurim.
During those years in Flatbush and later during its nearly two decades in Lakewood, the Kollel, under the leadership and direction of Harav Eliyahu Kahanow, shlita, has produced a generation of maggidei shiur and marbitzei Torah who are at the forefront of harbotzas haTorah in Klal Yisroel.
The Kollel's new campus on Miller Road is teeming with Torah learning. The Kollel yungeleit are there two full sedarim a day. The building has become a thriving makom Torah and tefillah for the entire area, and home to a night kollel and a baalei battim kollel situated in the ezras nashim.
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