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(anywhere from $1 - $1750)
The Chevra G'mach has been created for the members of Hatzolah by the members of Hatzolah to assist those who dedicate their life to helping others in a dignified and discreet manner.
It has become a vital resource for Hatzolah members across the U.S., and its mission is endorsed by all major Hatzolah organizations, reflecting the trust and unity within the emergency response community.
With the backing of Hatzolah for Hatzolah, the Chevra G'mach has established itself as an essential part of the network that empowers those who give so much to others, always there to help our heroes when they are in need.
Our Hazolah volunteers are always there for everyone, and the Chevra G'mach ensures that someone is there for them, providing unwavering support with the highest standards of care and reliability.
25.LA Fitness
Pinchas Oestrich
Navid Hakiman
Yitzy Weiner
Michael Edelman
Heshy Spira
Steven Grunstein
Yaakov Moseson
Josh Feldman
Yaakov Dubovick
Yitzy Leiblich
39. Donation Back to You
Naftali Laundau
Chaya Yair
Eli Langer
Aaron Zlotowitz
Chilly Fastag
David Greenbaum
Adina Kadin
Raizel Solomon
Moshe Finkelstein
Mark Schuster
Branded Airpods
Josh Belsky
Eli Politoff
Chaim Adler
Nesanel Silverman
Michael Gestetner
Israel Gerstel
Jonathan Tesser
Simcha Mandelbaum
Naftali Shapiro
It has become a vital resource for Hatzolah members across the U.S., and its mission is endorsed by all major Hatzolah organizations, reflecting the trust and unity within the emergency response community.
With the backing of Hatzolah for Hatzolah, the Chevra G'mach has established itself as an essential part of the network that empowers those who give so much to others, always there to help our heroes when they are in need.
Our Hazolah volunteers are always there for everyone, and the Chevra G'mach ensures that someone is there for them, providing unwavering support with the highest standards of care and reliability.

How it Works
You might pay
as little as $1
and a chance to win
as little as $1
and a chance to win
Take a Chance
Get a random number
(between $1 - $1,750)
Each number will be assigned only once!
(between $1 - $1,750)
Each number will be assigned only once!
Win Big
Have a chance to win
1. Kvarim | Datya Baron |
2. Artscroll Dedication | Abe Goldshmeidt |
3. Sefer Torah | Yehudis Feinstein |
4. Yukon | David Katz |
5.Spectacular Silver | Neil Tepper |
6. $1750 a month | Ralph Gelley |
7. Rhodium Menorah | Hillary Storch |
8. Rhodium Kiddush Pouring Set | Faygie Tennenbaum |
9. Sefer Ruziel Hamalach | Jacob Stern |
10.Sterling Silver Sefiras Haomer | Yaakov Mosesson |
11. Mystery Gift | Tamar Hollander |
12. Jet Ski | Meir Schwartz |
13. Islanders Tickets | Ephraim Levihaiem |
14. Cartier Watches | Jacob Eisenstein |
15. Sponsor Yesomas Wedding | Yosef Siff |
16. Tehilim on Klaf | Simcha Mermelstein |
17. Luxury Sukkah | Menachem Sofer |
18. Cone Washing Cup | Avromi Kaluszyner |
19. Shaitel | Yehuda Fryer |
20. Rolex | Aaron Wolff |
21. Sterling Silver Mini Siddur | Yisroel Silver |
22. Striped Pajama Sculpture | Avram Zeigelman |
23. Personal Trainer 2x | Chaim Dahan |
24. Tzedakah Box | Devorah Esther |
Pinchas Oestrich
Navid Hakiman
Yitzy Weiner
Michael Edelman
Heshy Spira
Steven Grunstein
Yaakov Moseson
Josh Feldman
Yaakov Dubovick
Yitzy Leiblich
26. Custom Bike | Jacob Greenberg |
27. Travel Size Shulchan Orech | Shragi Chafetz |
28. 2 Custom Suits | Alex Itzkowitz |
29. Krias Yam Suf Painting | Shalom Rosenberg |
30. Nail Art | Naftali Lichtenstein |
31.Torah Partners | David Brill |
32. Tudor Pelagos Watch | Albert Sutton |
33. Leather Machzorim | Eli Polatoff |
34. Washer/Dryer Combo | Ernie Isaacson |
35. Tickets to Israel | Yaakov Wahrman |
36. Travel size Tefilin | Chaya Yaiy |
37. 52 Hand & Stone Massages | Eli Schron |
38. Eat Out Buy In | Nachum Ore |
Naftali Laundau
Chaya Yair
Eli Langer
Aaron Zlotowitz
Chilly Fastag
David Greenbaum
Adina Kadin
Raizel Solomon
Moshe Finkelstein
Mark Schuster
40. 2 Custom Coats | Aaron Fier |
41. Ipad with Shas | Eli Katz |
42. Silver Tzedakah Box | Yitzchok Fogel |
43. Daf Stone | Toby Shacalo |
44. 4 Semi Custom Suits | Yisroel Oppen |
45. Chosson Package | Leasing Direct |
46. Lottery Tickets | Gila Rapp |
47. Cold-Bruh Coffee | Mattis Hedvot |
48. Ketores on Klaf | Yaakov Hersch |
49. Hatzalah Bouncy House | David Citrin |
50. Ampfit Fitness Machine | Aryeh Rotherberger |
Daily Chanuka Gifts
12/25/24 - Gold Coin | Avromi Perkowski |
12/26/24 - Ketores | Eli Kreindler |
12/26/24 Gold Coin | Steven Zolty |
12/27/24 - Ketores | Eddie Esses |
12/28/24 - Gold Coin | Batya Kahan |
12/29/24 - Ketores | Laizer Raksin |
12/30/24 - Ketores | Aliza Hassan |
12/30/24 - Gold Coin | Mark Rubin |
12/31/24 - Ketores | Rafi Sod |
12/31/24 - Gold Coin | Jacob Stern |
1/1/25 - Ketores | Yaakov Spira |
1/1/25 - Gold Coin | Levy Folger |
1/2/25 - Ketores | David Katz |
Extra Raffle
1/1/25 - Gold Coin | Rafi Sod |
Josh Belsky
Eli Politoff
Chaim Adler
Nesanel Silverman
Michael Gestetner
Israel Gerstel
Jonathan Tesser
Simcha Mandelbaum
Naftali Shapiro