כי אבי עזבוני Abandoned by His Father, Help Him Go to the Chuppah With Menuchas Hanefesh
Many years ago, his father abandoned his family and left the path of Torah and mitzvos.
Left without a breadwinner, his mother struggled valiantly to support her family on her own and to raise her children in an upright, ehrlich manner.
Despite all of the incredibly difficult challenges he endured, he remained faithful to Torah and Yiddishkeit, and grew into an exceptional young man.
Mazal Tov! He is now engaged to a wonderful girl and the scheduled date of the chasuna is fast approaching.
But there is no money to cover any of the wedding expenses. With no father in the picture, the family, which has always struggled to cover even basic living expenses, cannot even begin to pay the cost of a chasuna and setting up a new home.
His father has abandoned him! We must step in and do our part to help him establish his Bayis Neeman B'Yisroel.
Your generous donation is desperately needed to allow this incredible young man to go to the chuppah with menuchas hanefesh!
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