A Man of Torah. Dr. Yehuda Sorscher ZT"L was no ordinary man. A highly skilled dentist, his practice was renowned throughout Brooklyn for its exceptional standard of care. Yet, his deepest passion was Limud Torah. This drive and love were evident in the way he ran his practice strictly al pi Torah, his unwavering support for multiple mosdos and shuls, and his dedication to learning at every spare moment.
Completing His Torah. Dr. Sorscher was an Adam Hashalem, yet one initiative he started remains unfinished: writing his own Sefer Torah. Now, we have the opportunity to complete it in his honor, a testimony to his love of Torah and his lasting impact on Klal Yisroel.
The Living Torah. To Dr. Sorscher, Torah wasn't just a physical scroll - his life's mission was to support the living Torah, the people who learn it and guide their lives by its every word. With that vision in mind, we dedicate the additional proceeds from this campaign toward establishing a new initiative: Kol Yehuda - a bein hazmanim program for bais medrash bachurim, and the eventual home of the completed Sefer Torah. Both the Sefer Torah and Kol Yehuda carry the message Dr. Sorscher lived by: no matter who you are, or where you find yourself in life, Torah is the focus and foundation.
Donate toward Dr. Sorscher's Sefer Torah and Kol Yehuda
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