All Donors

Usher Friedman $600.00
לע"נ ר' משה בן ר' שמואל ע"ה
Rivka Gluck $218.00
Shloimy Myski $125.00
Keep up your great work!!
L. Davidson $115.00
A Shmeterhaftige Fan $101.00
ס'קומט א שמעטערהאפטיגע זומער...
ירחמיאל ישראל לעזער $101.00
אז מ'האט מיט אשר קומט מען אן גוט
Ruchy Rosenwasser $100.00
Keep it up Suri!!!!!
Abraham Zigelman $100.00
Shimon And Malka Bracha Semp $100.00
Next year we need an item: Trip To Eretz Yisroel For Ten
Shaindel Klein $100.00
L'iluy Nishmas Avraham Boruch ben R' Shimon h'levy
Suri Blumenberg $100.00
L'Iluy Nishmas Avrohom Boruch ben R' Shimon H'levy
Shmeil Meir And Toby Halpert $100.00
Faigy Klein $100.00
In honor of our dear children
Shea And Malkie Fogel $100.00
You guys are the best keep it up!
Yitty Stafansky $100.00
Yosef Kenner $75.00
DS $75.00
Moishe Rosenberg $72.00
Avrumi And Sara Rochel Friedman $72.00
לע"נ ר' משה בן ר' שמואל ע"ה
Malky Klein $72.00
Shmuel Meir Halpert $60.00
Chana Rivkin $60.00
Levi Greenberg $54.00
Chaya Faiga Brun $53.00
Chaim Stafansky $50.00
Shmuel Richter $50.00
לכבוד ר' משה חיים'ס איידעם
Ruchie Feldman $50.00
Eidy Reich $50.00
Esty Wolf $50.00
Shavy Matyas $50.00
Keep it up Suri!!
Yehudit Aryeh $50.00
Yoel Naparstek $50.00
To the one and only usher may hashem pay you back for all the mitzvos and masim tovim that you and your family do!
Shia Weiss $50.00
Moshiach NOW!!
AC Lefkowitz $50.00
Gitty Klein $50.00
Zevi And Simi Klein $50.00
Yitzchok Fogel $50.00
Mach ah Matzav!!! Usher, keep going strong!!!
Zalmen Friedman $50.00
Luzer Arye Yungreis $50.00
Yisrael Grozalsky $45.00
Sruly Lezer $40.00
יחי המלך
C.B. Silberman $38.00
Naftali Salzman $36.00
לכבוד יחזקאל שרגא פרידמן
Malky Klein $36.00
Shuki Srulovic $36.00
Keep it up……
Totty And Mommy Friedman $36.00
Thank You Hashem for such special Kinderlach!
כ"ק אדמו"ר שעבויגינער רבי שליט"א $36.00
לכבוד כ"ק אדנינו מורינו ורבינו די ראש מדריכים שליט"א
Reizy Perl $36.00
Moshe Mordche Friedman $25.00
Keep up your mitzvos and maassim toivim
Shiffy Fishman $25.00
Gittel Heimlich $20.00
in honor of my shmeterhaftige brother Usher and his aishes chayil wife Suri, keep it up!!
Nachman Eckstein $20.00
Thanks for the weekly Erev Shabbos texts!!
Chaim Yecheskel Friedman $20.00
Chanie Shaingarten $20.00
Channy Hus $20.00
Reevy Rosenberg $20.00
Zisha Klein $20.00
For a special shvuger and sister!!!
Hendy Spitzer $20.00
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
Testing 1,2,3! Lets go!!
R Knopfler $18.00
The King of Tzedaka Crowdfunding! & everything else.... Hatzlocha with this one
Shimmy Fogel $18.00
ר' ישעהו ב"ר משה
Eli Silber $18.00
In honor of Hashem
Lipa Schwartz $18.00
Chaya Lefkowitz $18.00
Malka Twersky $18.00
Hinda Solomon $15.00
Peri Rosenberg $10.00
In honor of my dear brother who so selflessly gives and helps in every which way! Hatzlacha!!
Moshe Yanki And Leah Friedman $10.00
For Mr. Schmetterhaftig and his amazing wife!
Henny Myski $10.00
Tzippy Fried $10.00
Yakov Yitzchok & Nechami $10.00
In honor of the man and woman behind all of this! Tizku limitzvos!
Esther Faigy Fried $10.00
Usher Babad $10.00
Menachem Moshinsky $10.00
Usher Friedman $10.00
Anonymous Sponsor $4.00
L’chayim brider!!