All Donors

Yitz Younger $100.00
Rochel Tabak $54.00
Etta Raizel Donner $54.00
Leiby And Musha Leah Tusk $54.00
Anonymous Sponsor $52.00
Moshe & Yehudis Jacobs $36.00
To the best couple around and for all the good you do! Keep it up!
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Nechama Treitel $36.00
Chaya Levin $36.00
Mindee - Your Awesome !! ???? The Sheinkopf’s $36.00
The Strasser’s $36.00
Moshe Indig $36.00
Anonymous Sponsor $26.00
Yehudis Silverstein $25.00
Anonymous Sponsor $25.00
What a zechus! May you and your family be gezunt with all the brachos in the world
Anonymous Sponsor $18.00
AVI GASS $18.00
Rivky Appelbaum $18.00
Avromi & Tzipora Eidelman $18.00
Nelly Weissman $18.00
Chaim & Tovi Hertz $18.00
Penina Flagler $18.00
Penina Flagler
Shaya Weinfeld $18.00
Emily Ifrah $5.00
Rachel Reichman $1.00