Welcome To My Donation Page
Ezi Levi
total raised
Recent Donors
Wolfson Foundation$5,000Sklar Family$2,500The Effron's$1,800SF Charity Fund$1,800Elimelech Meisels$1,800[email protected]Reuven Herssein$1,000Menlo Foundation$1,000Yehuda Levi$500Yochanan Meir Friedman$500Rita Weinberger$500Harold And Magda Katz$500Dov Horowitz$500Hatzlocha Rabbah Ezi!Anonymous Sponsor$360D G$250Kutchy Kutchy Koo$250Bin And Pessy Levi$250Moish Bruckstein$250Aharon Epstein$250Nachum And Miriam Rosenberg$250Bernard Englard$250Eli Leventhal$250Avrohom Tikotzky$250Batsheva Gelb$250Ed And Ruth Levi$200Aharon Novack$180Lele Book$180Dan And Miriam Levi$180Moshe Boylan$180To the best dad in the worldElazar Meisels$180Mordchai Waisbrod$180Reuven Rosenfeld$180Anonymous Sponsor$180Miriam Bertram$180Smooth Leasing$180Josh Schmuckler$180Anonymous Sponsor$180Chaim Reiss$180Binyomin Medetsky$180Tiny Nuss$180Texas$180Yisroel And Racheli Schor$180Breindy Levin$180Yossi Vann$180Raphael Berkowitz$180Bezalel Wagner$150Yudi And Chaya Miriam Buckwald$150Benji And Ita Arnstein$150Joe Friedman$145Ohr Mattisyahu$125Judah And Sari Haddad$101In honor of the best most real tzadick in the world. Ezzi the man.Cohen Saban$101Mordechai & Yocheved Werther$100Benji Posner$100Judith Levi$100Aaron Kreiswirth$100Usher Langsam$100Eli & Rivky Gleiberman$100Shlomie Kahan$100YISS NEED A RADIO!!!!!$100Numa Lynn$100Srulie Ross$100Innovative Supply Group$100Rivka Hofman$100Michael Sage$100Anonymous Sponsor$100In honor of the most amazing C4E staff, who are always here for us in every way.Shlomo Saalkind$100Anonymous Sponsor$100Shlomy Pollak$100Nachy Monoker$100Hilly Ort$100Anonymous Sponsor$100Evan Blachman$100Chaim Roth$100Anonymous Sponsor$100Hatzlacha!Zelig Glazer$100In honor of all the amazing campers!!For My Favorite Uncle$100Breindy Greengart$100Anonymous Sponsor$72Meir Swimer$72Moriah Nagelberg$72Yaakov & Kayla Fendel$72Anonymous Sponsor$70Elimelech Schwartz$54Chaim Gordimer$50Yehuda & Nechama Levi$50Thanks for all that you do for us and for being the inspiration for serving the klal! Chanukah Sameach!!Naftali Katzman$50Mayer Brander$50Adiel & Esther Lejbovitz$50Thank you to all Chai4Ever has done!Naomi Levi$50Anonymous Sponsor$50Yehuda Maimon$50Moshe Guttfreund$50Chaim Kesserman$50YE Levi$50Sruly Rothstein$50Gershon Poss$50Netanel Golshan$50Ezi, you’re the best!!Sima Belsky$41Hatzlocha on the rest of your campaign and all your campaigns in the futureMordechai Babad$36Anonymous Sponsor$36Aish Lefonov SeilachChevy Pascal$36Leah Rosenbaum$36Naftoly & Adele Katzenstein$36Yocheved Pascal$36CK$36Aaron Koslowitz$26Jack Cohen$26In honor of everyone but….Raphael Abend$25Noson Klein$20Ami Z$18Anonymous Sponsor$18Anonymous Sponsor$18Anonymous Sponsor$18Mordechai Ohayon$18GOAT!Mordechai Marcus$18Moshe Feintuch$18Leo Cameo$18Ezi the legend!Abraham Maslaton$18Devorah Levi$18Anonymous Sponsor$18Anonymous Sponsor$18Better Then Support Staff$18Kitchen Staff is Better then Support StaffEli Geller$18